Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Afghans, Afghans, and More Afghans

Late in 2009 (let's says 2 months before Christmas), I asked friends and family what they wanted for Christmas. The unanimous response was afghans. The problem was that I didn't have enough time to make all those afghans so close to CHristmas. The afghans moved to my 2010 Christmas list.

So here it is 2010 and I have more afghans to make than I know what to do with. I'm making one for my sister, my brother, my aunt, my cousin, and 2 friends. That's 6 afghans folks! An average sized afghan has 160 squares. Needless to say, I have squares on the brain. My new project at work, at home, everywhere is squares. Can I make all these afghans before Christmas? I hope so.

In other news, I've finished 1 out of 3 of the belated Christmas gifts. I'm in no rush on the others. When I think crochet, I think squares.

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