Friday, January 8, 2010

Crocheting in the New Year

2010 has been here for 8 days now. What have I been doing with myself since then? Well, I've been working on some story time props. Using Lionbrand Bear and Beehive potholder patterns to make puppets for Winnie-the-Pooh story time. Will be retelling the story of Pooh and the bees. Also made myself a Pooh scarf. Pooh and friends are always wearing scarves. Mine is 16 stitches wide and down to my calves. I used Red Heart's Country Blue, Light Raspberry, Orchid, and Frosty Green. Each one of the stripes is 9 rows long.

I received some yarn for Christmas. Will use it for my sister's 2010 afghan. My brother was eying 2009's afghan so I think it's time to make him one as well. I have several leftover Christmas projects to work on. These are for friends in far flung places. Hope to have them done soon.

It's time again to work on putting my Christmas list together. Always a fun task. Mom will get her usual chicken. I think I'm going to do a whimsical one this year with fun colors. She also wants a hat with ear flaps. I'll see what I can do. I've decided to make my niece a new ornament every year. That way by the time she's 18, she'll have enough to fill a small tree. It's going to be fun deciding what to make each year.

As you can see, I have plenty to keep me busy crochet-wise. Happy Crocheting in 2010 to all my fellow crocheters.

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