Thursday, May 6, 2010

All quiet on the crochet front...

Now that the Peter Rabbit baby afghan is finally done, I'm finding myself at something of a loose end crochet-wise. The super secret birthday present/belated Christmas gift was completed in record time. I mailed it off yesterday to VA. It didn't turn out quite like I'd hoped, but I was pleased nonetheless. More about that later (when my friend has received it).

I'm working on the purse for my five year old cousin. I'm using Red Heart's Orchid (a nice light purple.) I'm making 5 bookworms in matching colors to go inside.

I also have an order for 4 bookworms for stocking stuffers. Two are already done (leftover from the ones I made for work). And I'm thinking of making some to sell at a local location.

Just remembered that I promised to make another Heroes' Hat for my friend Em's friend. This is a paying gig so as soon as I've got the birthday presents completed, it's on to the hat.

Crocheting at work (on my lunch break) has slowed down considerably. I find myself surfing the net or reading instead of crocheting. Primarily because I can't drum up much interest in the squares for my sister's Christmas afghan. I usually have a hiatus midway through. What can you expect with 100+ squares?

Speaking of my sister, my weekly update is a little early because I'm taking tomorrow off to attend her college graduation. In a few days, we'll have a registered dental hygienist in the family. I'm so proud of her.

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