Friday, June 18, 2010

Of hats, bookworms, and fish...

I finished up the second Heroes hat last Friday evening and mailed it off to Em on Saturday morning. I hope her friend likes it. The symbol ended up being a little crookedly sewn this time. But it does make it one-of-a-kind!

I've been using up those scraps I pulled out of my scrap box on bookworms. I think I've made about 20 or so. They are all solid colored. I didn't have any small balls of variegated yarn. The variegated ones are the most popular so I'll probably make some of those sooner rather than later. After I've used the scraps to make bookworms, I have even smaller scraps left. Those are going into fold top sandwich bags so they don't cause havoc in my scrap box again. I have some baby pink and orchid left over from a baby afghan. I think I'll use it to make a stuffed cat toy for my niece's Christmas present. I'll add in some cream to balance it out.

Tomorrow is the first round of events for the Summer Reading Program. During preschool story time, we'll be playing "Fisherman, fisherman, where's your fish?" I've made a small flat fish to use as the prop. When designing my own patterns, I am much better at two-dimensional things. I've made very few 3D items. I think I could, I just need more time to fiddle with the patterns. The fish turned out quite well. I didn't write down the pattern as I went, but I think I can duplicate it.

The week ahead holds more bookworms and I might get started on the baby afghan my mom has commissioned me to make. I need to get back to work on Christmas stuff. My sister's afghan is languishing. And I haven't even thought about the smaller projects I have on my list. I guess the best way to handle my smaller Christmas projects is just to go straight down the list.

Until next time, happy crocheting!

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