Thursday, July 29, 2010

Still Crocheting!

This weekly update is a day early, but I'm at the library so I thought I'd go ahead and update all my faithful readers on my crocheting adventures. This past week is one of my favorite times of year besides Christmas. Yes, folks, it was the annual yarn clearance at Wal-Mart. Here's what I got:

- 2 skeins of Melonberry (Red Heart Super Saver)
- 2 skeins of Seagrass (Red Heart Super Saver)
- 2 skeins of Marrakesh (Red Heart Super Saver)
- 1 skein of Tea Leaf (Red Heart Super Saver)
- 1 skein of Cherrycola (Red Heart Super Saver)
- 1 skein of Sunrise (Peaches & cream cotton)

Not a bad haul, if I do say so myself. I've already used a little bit of the Melonberry in the "Baby Butterfly" afghan. I was 2 squares short of Plum Pudding. That afghan is coming along nicely. The green (Medium Thyme) is a bit dark, but this afghan was all about using what I had. The nine patch block layout is turning out nicely. I should be done sewing the squares together and then to edge it.

Oh, I found out that my mom's cousin's daughter is doing her nursery in Noah's Ark. The good news is the afghan I made (Coffee, Aran, Light Blue) will match. If I'd knew the theme before I started I would have used Country Blue, Warm Brown, Buff.

My next projects are 2 baby hats, 2 Hogwarts scarves, and then back to work on my Christmas gifts. Christmas is just 149 days away. I don't know if I'll get everything done this week. I certainly don't think I'll get all those afghans done. I think I might get my cousin's done in addition to my sister's, but that's all. However, you never know.

Until next week, happy crocheting!

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