Friday, August 27, 2010

A busy non-crocheting week...

Well, folks, I've been busy this week, but not with crocheting. I seem to have had places to go and people to see almost everyday. I've been to the chiropractor and the dentist. I spent most of the day with my sister yesterday. She's not feeling well.

I had crochet goals for the week that I didn't meet, but I've still got the rest of the day. I wanted to finish the Ravenclaw scarf and get it and the Gryffindor scarf in the mail. This past Wednesday (August 25) marked the 4 month mark until Christmas. That's roughly 120 days to get all my gifts made. I'm hoping I can do it, but I'm more behind than I've ever been. However, I do like a challenge.

This morning I did manage to run in ends on all those bookworms and get wiggle eyes glued on. I only sustained one small burn from my hot glue gun.

Yesterday, I received the DVDs I ordered in the mail: Masterpiece Theatre's Jane Erye, the 1949 Little Women, and Lost in Austen. I've also recently purchased Darby O'Gill and the Little People, Summer Magic, and In Search of the Castaways. I do like to have good movies to crochet along with.

By next Friday, I plan to have the scarves mailed and the Christmas gifts underway. Until then, happy crocheting.


  1. Hope you get to crochet soon. Maybe I'll catch some pics of your projects next time around.

  2. Hi Julie,

    I have been crocheting a bit more lately. I usually post pictures of my projects when they're finished and that should be soon. I'm hoping to have the Gryffindor & Ravenclaw scarves done this weekend.

    Thanks for reading!
