Friday, August 13, 2010

Life Happens...

Well, folks, I started this week with great intentions and then life happened. On Monday, my best friend's grandfather passed away. On Tuesday, my parents and I took some food to her house. Her parents have recently moved into a home they have built. They don't have real steps yet, just cinder blocks laid out in the shape of steps. As I was coming down them, one of the blocks gave way and I went with them. I fell mostly on the back side of my right hip. I was very dizzy for about an hour and almost passed out. My mom and friend took me to the ER. Not breaks, just bad bruising. Needless to say this has killed many of my crochet plans.

I'm still working on the Gryffindor scarf. it's almost finished. I might even finish it this weekend. Then on to Ravenclaw. My bookworms are selling well, but a little slower. I checked my inventory and I only have solid colored ones. So, I pulled out all the variegated yarn from my scrap box. The plan is to make 3 bookworms from each color.

Only 134 days until Christmas and I have zilch done. My very next project (after the Hogwarts House scarves) is Christmas gifts. Luckily, the majority on my list is small things. They shouldn't take too long.

Until next week, happy crocheting!

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