Saturday, October 30, 2010

Another slow week...

This week has been slow again in terms of crocheting. I made 4 Magenta granny squares and started 3 pumpkin fridgies. Those are for Halloween gifts for my co-workers. I'm also making bookworms for them. In other news, I'm loving my new job. It's an awesome job, the perfect position for me.

My plans for the next week include finishing the turkey fridgies for Wesley, making a fish for my cousin Dana, a purse for my cousin Alyssa J, and a dog for my friend Alyssa A. I also hope to start on the snowman ornaments for a friend at church. Then there are squares for my sister's afghan and my cousin's. Busy, busy, busy!

I also need to make some story time props (i.e., magnets) for November and December. I'll be making airplanes, feathers, cookies, hats, and something Christmasy (I haven't decided yet). Can you guess the story time themes?

Until next week, happy crocheting!

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