Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Beginnings & Old Projects

Well, as most of you know I started a new job this week. I'm a youth services librarian for a regional library that serves four small libraries. I'm loving it! One of my main responsibilities is preschool story time, so you'll probably be seeing more crocheted story time props on the blog.

Commuting and working have reduced my crocheting time. I do try to crochet a little on my lunch break and in the evenings. Most of my crocheting will likely take place on the weekends.

This week I've made 9 Real Teal and 3 Gemstone granny squares for my cousin's afghan. I also made 1 bell and the bases for 5 turkey magnets. These are for my three-year-old cousin Wesley. He liked the one I made for my other cousin Jonah.

This weekend, I'll be finishing up some old projects that I started more than two years ago. The reason for them went away so I never finished them. I'm finishing pumpkin coasters and a variety of fridgies (candy corn, black cats [my own pattern] owls, and jack-o-lanterns). My thirteen-year-old neighbor Kyra is having a pumpkin carving party the week before Halloween and I'm giving these as favors. Five of the owls are story time props for my first story time next week. Can you guess the theme?

Other plans are much the same as they've been for the past two weeks: squares for the two afghans, a fish, a purse, a dog, some slippers, and some turkeys.

Until next week, happy crocheting!

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