Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Where Have I Been?

How is it that 2 weeks have passed and I haven't updated this blog? Well, devoted readers, I have been busy with a capital "B." On the 20th, I moved into a lovely apartment. My commute is now no longer than 10 minutes. I have been enjoying the extra leisure time, but I haven't been spending much of it with a crochet hook in hand. Moving always means much unpacking, sorting, and straightening.

I've finally started back to crocheting. Christmas is upon me (25 days as of tomorrow, folks!) and I'm still not anywhere near done with my gifts. This week, I'm concentrating on those gifts I haven't started yet. Today, I finished up 5 snowball fridgies (story time props). They only need eyes, noses, & mouths. I've been making squares like crazy. The afghan for my cousin has to be done by December 19. We're having Christmas a little early with that set of relations. Hoping I'll manage to get my sister's at least partially done.

This is very unusual for me. Normally, I'm already done by this time and working on next year's. I'm enjoying the rush just a little, but really hoping next year's gift making goes much smoother.

Until next time, happy crocheting!

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