Sunday, January 16, 2011

Happy Belated New Year!

2011 is well underway and I have not been idle. I was snowed in during the past week and crocheted quite a lot. I've finished my sister's Christmas afghan. Pictures to come. I've also made the pieces for 7 snowman ormanents. I owe a friend 5 as a gift and 2 were ordered.

My plans for crocheting at work (on my lunch hour) include lots of dishcloths. I need 20+ for my 2011 Christmas list. I like to make them when the weather's still cool. The cotton tends to leave a lot of lint on your hands if the temperatures are warmer.

Oh, I also made another sweater for my family's Boston Terrier Chester. The first one was a trial run and didn't turn out so well, if you remember. This one turned out pretty well if I do say so myself. I only need to add the buttons. Weather permitting, I'll get to try it on him this weekend and get some pictures.

I haven't started my new tree decor yet. I've been debating the colors. I still like the coral and lavender, but I think the green (Honeydew) is too light to match the others. I may go with a Sage or Thyme instead.

At home, I'm working on the plans and squares for 2 baby afghans. One will be a Pigeon color scheme (from Mo Willems' picture books). I'm using Seagrass, Cornmeal, & Warm Brown. It's for an either/or baby, as in the parents don't plan on finding out, so it has to work for a boy or a girl. The other afghan has to match a farm/rodeo nursery bedding set. The colors I've picked are Ranch Red, Windsor Blue, and Warm Brown. That's 192 three-round granny squares I'll be making. Whew!

Well, that's all for this update. Until next time, happy crocheting!

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