Friday, June 24, 2011

Of Projects and Puppies

Yes, I know it's been over a month since I updated. The afghan for my sister's friend is done. And so is one of the two purses for her other little girls. Once they're both done, I can deliver the afghan and post a picture of it. I think it turned out nicely.

I've started making a few squares for the next baby afghan--the one I'm calling Forest Baby.

And in the midst of all this, my dog Chester (2 year old Boston Terrier) moved in with me. I'm spending a lot of time walking him, but he's not upsetting my crocheting. He likes to snooze beside me as I work.

My cousin has asked me to repair a baby afghan she found in her grandmother's house. The blocks are hexagons (I think) and the centers are coming undone. So are some of the seams. From the look and feel of the yarn, I'd say the afghan was originally made in the 1970s. After I've finished the repairs, I've recommended that she have it dry cleaned and used a sweater shaver on it. I'll post a picture of the afghan before and after my repairs.

Until next time, happy crocheting!


  1. This is probably a really stupid question, but what is a sweater shaver?

  2. It's a little device that cuts the fuzz off sweaters.
