Friday, April 13, 2012

Belated Easter Greetings!

I hope everyone had a nice Easter. Mine was and a cookout with family. The above picture shows the bookworms I made for my co-workers for the holiday.

Yesterday, I finished the 41 Orchid squares for the Dr. Who Scarf Inspired baby afghan. The 10 Cornmeal squares I finished weeks ago. I have 51 of 81 squares done. It's a good thing, too. Amelia Marie was born on March 29. I have 30 more squares to make in these colors: Buff, Cafe, Light Raspberry, Frosty Green, and Light Grey.

After I finish this baby afghan, I'm going to take a little break from baby afghans. I have all the squares made for The Pigeon baby afghan and the baby isn't due until June. The other baby on my agenda isn't due until August.

I'm going to start making squares for my brother-in-law's afghan and work on a pincushion for a friend's birthday while I'm on hiatus from the baby afghans.

Until next time, happy crocheting!

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