Friday, December 7, 2012

The Stockings Were Hung...

Sorry it's been so long since my last update. I had a computer on the blink for about two weeks and then I was busy at work and at home with Christmas preparations.

With only 18 days til Christmas, I'm accepting that I can't make everything I want to--there's just not enough time because I do have to pace myself when I crochet. I've been working on a few snowman ornaments. I've also organized my brother-in-law's afghan squares into zippered storage bags by row. I still have about 20 squares to make for it. Starting next Monday, I'm going to sew a row together each day. I don't think I'll have it done for Christmas, but I know it will be done soon.

So all my ambitious plans for this year? I'm going to move them to next year and resolve to crochet a little each day.

Here are pictures of the coasters I made and a Baby's 1st Christmas stocking for a friend's baby.

Until next time, happy crocheting!

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