Friday, April 19, 2013

Sewing More Than Crocheting

This week I've been sewing more than I've been crocheting. I'm making good progress on the afghan for the couple from church. The baby shower is Saturday. I can't make it because I have to work, but I'm hoping to give it to them on Sunday.

While I was sewing away the other night, I realized I can't count. I'm short two Coffee squares. I've looked high and low, so I didn't make them. Ergo, I can't count because my layout clearly tells me I need 8 not 6.

After I wrap this one up, I'll start on the one I've been commissioned to do. I've added another color to the lineup, Coffee.

I need to get started on my Cheshire Cat costume for the Mad Hatter Tea Party in June. I'm going to use Pink Tones, Purple Tones, and a ripple pattern to make myself a scarf. I also plan to make fingerless gloves. I'm going to try my hand at sewing and make a set of cat ears on a headband.

I also found the cutest tea cozy pattern via Pinterest. I might make it to cover my teapot for the Tea Party.

Until next time, happy crocheting!

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