Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summer Is Coming!

I know I haven't posted in a while. Life and work have been keeping me very busy. Summer is the busiest season for a youth services librarian. I'm getting reading for the summer reading program which will be 10 weeks total with 8 weeks of programs for different age groups.

Last Friday was the 10th anniversary of my high school graduation. Obviously instead of updating this blog, I was reminiscing. I'm quite pleased with where life has taken me. I'm proud that I still have the same best friend and hobby this many years later. I wonder what the next 10 years will bring.

I actually have several projects in the works. I'm still working on the Cheshire Cat scarf. I've finished the squares for my cousin's baby afghan. I started a cozy for my teapot (ripple pattern), and I ran in ends on the squares for the baby afghan I was commissioned to do. I'll be dividing my days into sewing baby afghans together and working on the projects for the Mad Hatter Tea Party.

My best friend came to visit yesterday and we tried a new craft: tie-dye. It was great! I think I might be addicted. The not knowing until the reveal/rinsing is great.

I'm hoping to keep my updates consistent during the summer, but I apologize in advance if they end up being sporadic.

Until next time, happy crocheting!

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