Friday, November 22, 2013

Time Flies...When You're Crocheting!

Sorry it's been so long since my last update. I've been deep in my Christmas crocheting. I've mainly been working off my kids list, but today I realized I need to be focusing on gifts that need to be mailed. There are several on the kids list and one on the adult list.

I'm working on a couple of mice right now and will then move on to some baby bootie ornaments and probably a hat and scarf.

I'm woefully behind in my Christmas preparations. I haven't wrote my annual letter or taken Chester's holiday pictures. I'm hoping to get a start on this before I travel to TN for the Thanksgiving holiday. While I'm gone, I plan to crochet granny squares for 2 baby afghans. One for my new niece and the other is for my sister's friend.

Until next time, happy crocheting and Happy Thanksgiving!

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