Friday, April 23, 2010

The best laid plans...

You know what they say about the best laid plans. I took a break from squares on Saturday to whip up 30 bookworms for a party and my friend's book club. I also make an extra long skinny scarf for the aforementioned party. I was ready to finish the Rose Pink squares on Sunday when we got a call from my uncle.

Grandma was in the ICU. We all rushed to the hospital to be with her. I crocheted a little on the bookworms and scarf in the waiting room. Some cousins were making hats in knitting looms. It was late that night before we got home. Grandma was alive but just barely. She passed away before 9:00am on Monday morning. The next few days were a flurry of arrangements and grieving. I know where Grandma is so I don't have anything to grieve about. I'll miss her to be sure, but in her own words, "Life doesn't stop just because you're hurting."

After the funeral, I managed to finish all the Rose Pink squares. Now they're waiting for the weekend so I can run the ends in and sew them together. I would love to have the afghan completed by Monday, but I'm not making any plans or promises.

Unless I get another order, I'll go back to making squares for my sister's Christmas afghan. One of my cousins will be turning five in mid May. I'm making her a purse and a few bookworms. She liked the one I gave her for Easter. Until Next time...

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