Friday, April 16, 2010

Crocheting through the pollen outbreak...

Spring has more than sprung in my neck of the woods. The pollen will choke you. My black car is yellow. My sinus infection came back with a vengeance over the weekend and gave me bronchitis to boot. That slowed down my crocheting a little. I spent most of the weekend in bed sleeping.

However, I did manage to crochet some. Here's what I've accomplished since my last update:

  • 25 Buff squares for the Peter Rabbit afghan
  • 5 Country Rose squares for the Peter Rabbit afghan

There's a story behind the pink yarn. My original color selection was Red Heart's Rose Pink. The one problem: the color is only available at A. C. Moore or online. My mom & I were planning a trip to the city anyhow so I stopped by A. C. Moore to get the yarn. Would you believe they were sold out of Rose Pink? They were. At JoAnn's, I found another color that was a close match: TLC Essentials (from the makers of Red Heart) Country Rose. It was a bit more expensive, the skein had 1 less ounce, and the color was a smidge darker than the Rose Pink, but I could make it work.

Hoping/planning to have the Peter Rabbit afghan completed by the end of the weekend. Wish me luck!

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