Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter & Beyond

Hello, folks! As promised (to you & me), here I am with a weekly update.

Over the long Easter weekend (4 days!), I took a break from granny squares to make some Easter bookworms. I like to put them in plastic eggs for holiday gifts. I make them to match the eggs so bright colors. I ended up making more than I needed--26. Everyone loved them. Now, I'm in the mood to make more worms!

But not until I finish the Peter Rabbit baby afghan. Which is moving right along, I'm proud to report. Since my last post, I've made 24 squares. The Frosty Green squares are done. I got overly enthusiastic and overshot by one. (I'll rip that one apart and make some bookworms!) I've started on the Buff squares. Not a very excited color to crochet with, but it's soothing so I guess I shouldn't complain.

I'm headed to the big city tomorrow to fetch the Rose Pink from A. C. Moore. Hopefully, they still carry it. If not, I'll have to order it online. I'm also going to the used bookstore. Who knows what I'll find there?

Anyway, by this time next week, I would love to have all 81 squares done. We'll see how that goes...


  1. Do you have pictures? A Peter Rabbit blanket sounds just wonderful.

  2. Hi Madigan,

    I will have pictures when it's done. My afghans are simple. They're more a color scheme than anything. For the Peter Rabbit afghan, I'm making 27 three-round granny squares of a soft (not pastel) green, brown, and pink. I'll sew them together alternating the colors. The completed afghan will be 9x9 squares.


