Thursday, July 1, 2010

Another Week...

My update this week is a day early because I'm off work tomorrow for Independence Day. Hopefully, I'll get lots of crocheting done.

I've worked primarily on squares for the sailboat theme baby afghan this week. I've finished the 27 Tea Leaf squares and started in on the Paddy Green ones. I've charted out the layout on graph paper. I think it's going to turn out rather well. After I finish it, I'll move on to the squares for the other baby afghan (Coffee, Light Blue, Aran).

A girl at church is expecting a little girl around September. I've decided to make her a baby afghan. I want to use yarn I already have so I plan to use my normal 9 x 9 squares, but make 9 patch blocks. The colors I'm using are Light Raspberry, Cornmeal, Frosty Green, and Buff. I originally wanted to use Country Blue, but I don't have any. All I had was Windsor Blue and it's a bit dark for a baby girl's afghan. I can't wait to see how it looks. The layout chart looks promising.

Over the holiday weekend, I might also continue to work on Christmas gifts (i.e., the hat and scarf for Mom) and some more bookworms. I'm working with blue yarns right now. I try to keep a variety of colors out where I sell them.

The trailer for Part 1 of Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows released Monday night. I'm so happy about the November release date. It will be the perfect opportunity to wear my Gryffindor scarf. I'm thinking of making a new one using the Prisoner of Azkaban movie style. I'm also thinking of making a Ravenclaw scarf. As much as I love Gryffindor, I think I would end up in Ravenclaw.

I have a busy weekend ahead. There's a youth rally at church tomorrow. I have Summer Reading Program events at the library on Saturday (Pirates Preschool Story Time, a Pirate Party for ages 6-11, and a Percy Jackson Party for teens) and a cookout. Church and another cookout on Sunday. In between all this, I'll crochet, read, and continue with my Bible study.

Until next time, happy crocheting!

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