Friday, July 9, 2010

More Crochet than I Can Handle

Wow...this has been such a bust crochet week. I've finished the baby afghan for my aunt's friend. It turned out rather well. I've titled it "Ashley's Sailboats." The colors were Red Heart Super Saver's Soft Navy, Paddy Green, and Tea Leaf. Today, I'll be starting on the baby afghan for my mom's cousin's daughter. Still have to get the blue yarn.

I also still need to make the baby afghan for the girl at church. I'm very excited about it as it's a layout I've never tried before (nine patch blocks). I have another baby afghan pending. It's for a friend's coworker, but I'm not sure if it's definite yet. It's for a little boy and her color scheme is brown and beige with green accents. I've come up with a couple of color schemes: "Chocolate-covered Peter Rabbit" and "Little Boy Nature."

I've got two orders for Hogwarts House Scarves. One for Gryffindor and one for Ravenclaw. I'm looking forward to making these. They will be Prisoner of Azkaban film style. I will be making myself and my best friend new scarves, as well, for the movie premiere.

As you can see, I am very busy in terms of crochet. This update is rather short, but I'm sure you understand. Until next week, happy crocheting.

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